Pastor Tom Ascol continues the series in Ecclesiastes with a message entitled “Enjoy Your Life in a Fallen World” built upon Ecclesiastes 9:1–12. An initial reading of today’s passage might leave one to believe no matter how hopeful a situation may be, there is always a likely downside. This pessimism tinges a person’s outlook robbing them of experiencing deep, genuine joy. In one sense, living “under the sun” as we have seen, this pessimism may make sense but believers are charged to live with joy.
In fact, Ecclesiastes is a book about joy. Today’s text informs us the world is broken. Nevertheless, our lives are gifts from God and are to be enjoyed. Honest reflection show obvious troubles in life yet obedience to the imperatives in this chapter will create joy for the obeying believer. In verses 1–6 the author, Qohelet, recalls from Chapter 8 that man cannot grasp all God’s work on earth. He then moves to Chapter 9 and points out that all humanity is subject to the same realities, good and bad. Though we rightly aspire to wisdom and righteousness, we all are under the inscrutable sovereignty and will of God. Our understanding is limited by our fallibility and our limited power of evaluation. Recognizing the reality of sin and the consequences of sin are absolutely foundational to thinking rightly about life. Qohelet tells us what we already know; death is coming. Still while there is life there is hope, hope of being forgiven and being reconciled to God. For this sin is the very reason Jesus came into the world. Powerless to save ourselves, powerless to even think rightly, we are all in need of a savior Therefore, there exists the need to entrust ourselves to the one with power to save and set things right.
Verses 11 and 12 continue the author’s reflections on life. Unpredictable things happen. David and Goliath stories abound. Death comes unexpectedly. Like birds in snare or fish in a net, troubles and death come upon us unawares. Yet in the middle verses of this passage, verses 7–10, Qohelet encourages joy. Despite our individual circumstance, God has created the world for us to enjoy. There is no encouragement to sin, as, for example, might be the result of too much drink, but we ought to enjoy what eat and drink God has provided. Rejoice in what He has given, in what He has provided. Enjoy life with “the wife whom you love,” both directly encourages enjoyment and indirectly teaches love as a command. Finally do whatever you do joyously and wholeheartedly. Find something worth giving your life to and do it with delight and passion.
The world is fallen so it cannot provide ultimate satisfaction. Neither can we make it work the way for which it was designed. Rather, recognizing God created it and continues to rule, we place our assurance in Him and move confidently to the future as we enjoy that which He has provided for the day.
This sermon was given by Dr. Tom Ascol on January 22, 2017 at Grace Baptist Church in Cape Coral, FL.
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