Tom Ascol | Entrepreneurship in the Kingdom of God - Ecclesiastes 11:1-6

November 13, 2022 00:42:06
Tom Ascol | Entrepreneurship in the Kingdom of God - Ecclesiastes 11:1-6
Sermons by Founders Ministries
Tom Ascol | Entrepreneurship in the Kingdom of God - Ecclesiastes 11:1-6

Nov 13 2022 | 00:42:06


Show Notes

Pastor Tom Ascol continues his series on Ecclesiastes with a message entitled “Entrepreneurship in the Kingdom of God” built upon Ecclesiastes 11:1 – 6. Our passage today calls us to become entrepreneurs of life. We are to stop playing it safe and living scared. Rather, we are to live openly, daring to make a difference.

Though the initial illustration may not be clear to present-day readers, the lessons in our passage are plain. First, be bold yet wise. In biblical times setting to sea was risky but after the return voyage it was usually very profitable. Investing may not be as tricky today as in the past but it can be just as risky so wisdom is still a necessity. Nevertheless, investing helps build for the future. Further, Qohelet, the author of Ecclesiastes, advises us to diversify our investments, similar to today’s warning about putting all our eggs in one basket. Though interpreters are split about whether v. 2 speaks to benevolence or aggressive investment, we may not need make a distinction. Instead, there is merit in both positons We should give generously and invest aggressively to have even more to give in the future. God, after all, is the great Giver, having given His Son for our salvation. We need his righteousness; we need the atonement only His death can supply. Have you received of God’s generous giving?

There is no reason, however, to think these verses apply only to our money. The same that is true of our treasure is true with our time and our talent. Our lives should be marked by meeting needs in whatever manner is appropriate. Perhaps the greatest of those needs is making Christ known. Qohelet, however, is not calling us to some romanticized view of life. Instead, he wants us to invest our lives for a good cause. Obviously, we do not know everything and so we rely on God. However, we do know somethings; a full cloud will spill rain, a tree lands where it lands when it falls Just as a farmer always afraid to sow due to weather conditions will not have a harvest, every hesitancy to take a risk for Christ comes with a plausible rationalization? Believers are to leverage their lives for the Lord.

Qohelet continues. We are to work humbly and hopefully. We should know our place; we are but creatures and fallen creatures at that. We know little of the noble workings of God. When we accept our positon, we are on the way to living for him, the life to which we were originally called. Working humbly, investing wisely, trusting God will then give true hope. We will be bound up in God’s plan, living our lives for him as we should.

God calls us to be entrepreneurs for the kingdom. At the end better by far to hear “well done good and faithful servant” than to hear “you wicked and slothful servant.” Live your life for Christ, use that which has been entrusted to you for Him. Bring Him glory by the way you live the life He has given you.

This sermon was given by Dr. Tom Ascol on February 12, 2017 at Grace Baptist Church in Cape Coral, FL.

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